The time zone for all times mentioned at the DATE website is CEST – Central Europe Summer Time (UTC+1). AoE = Anywhere on Earth.

W01 Eco-ES: Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems

Nightingale Room 2.6.1/2
General Co-Chair
Chiara Sandionigi, CEA, France
General Co-Chair
David Bol, UCLouvain, Belgium
Programme Chair
Jean-Christophe Crebier, CNRS/G-INP/UGA, France
Special Sessions Co-Chair
Jonas Gustafsson, RISE, Sweden


The impact of electronics on the environment is becoming an important issue, especially because of the number of systems growing exponentially. Eco-design and circular economy applied to Electronic Systems are thus becoming major challenges for our society to respond to the dangers for the environment: exponential increase in electronic waste generation, depletion of resources, contribution to climate change and poor resiliency to supply-chain issues. Electronic Systems designers willing to engage in eco-design face several difficulties, related in particular to a limited knowledge of the environmental impact from the design phase and the uncertain extension of the service lifetime of the system or parts of the system, owing to the variability in user behaviour and business models.

At DATE 2023, the workshop Eco-ES is devoted to Eco-design and circular economy of Electronic Systems. The objective of Eco-ES is to gather experts from both academia and industry, covering a wide scope in the environmental sustainability of Electronic Systems. Besides regular sessions with talks, a debate panel will offer a place for the audience to discuss and share ideas.

Workshop topics include:

  • Specification and modelling of sustainable Electronic Systems
  • Life Cycle Assessment tools and techniques
  • Electronic Design Automation tools for eco-design
  • Design Space Exploration including environmental aspects
  • Eco-reliability techniques to design sustainable systems with extended lifetime
  • Reparability methods
  • Reuse strategies
  • Recycling of Electronic Systems
  • Refurbish for a second life of the products
  • Sustainable cloud computing and datacenters
  • Inter-disciplinary works linking the technology aspects of eco-design and circular economy to social and economic sciences

W01.1 Workshop introduction and Keynote

Session Start
Session End


14:00 - 14:10: Workshop introduction

                        Chiara Sandionigi, CEA, France

14:10 - 14:40: Transitioning to a Circular Economy for Greener Electronic Systems

                       Manuel Rei, 3DS, France

W01.2 Circular economy for Electronic Systems

Session Start
Session End
Session chair
Jonas Gustafsson, RISE, Sweden


14.40 - 15.00: The environmental footprint of semiconductor manufacturing

                       Cédric Rolin, IMEC, Belgium

15.00 - 15.20: Ecodesign engineering sticking to actual end-of-life operations

                       Marc Heude, Thales, France

15.20 - 15.40: A circular economy approach for strategic metals in electronics

                       Serge Kimbel, Weeecycling, France

W01.3 Poster session & Coffee break

Session Start
Session End


  • Aniah: A chip design methodology for Eco-design (Aniah)
  • Repair, refurbishment and recycling of electronic devices with Lithium-ion batteries (DTI)
  • Energy-efficient hardware reuse for sustainable data centers (LIRMM)
  • EECONE: European Ecosystem for green Electronics
  • Eco-innovation for Digital Systems and Integrated Circuits (CEA)

W01.4 Open call talks

Session Start
Session End
Session chair
Jonas Gustafsson, RISE, Sweden


16.15 - 16.35: Sustainability analysis of indium phosphide technologies for RF applications

                       Benjamin Vanhouche, IMEC, Belgium

16.35 - 16.55: Eco-design and optimization of the edge cloud

                       Jonas Gustafsson, RISE, Sweden

16.55 - 17.15: Twinning digital ICT products: the digital product passport

                       Leandro Navarro, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

W01.5 Debate panel

Session Start
Session End
Session chair
David Bol, UC Louvain, Belgium
Session chair
Chiara Sandionigi, CEA, France


This session provides to the audience a place to debate about ecodesign, circular economy and end of life of electronic systems.

Invited speakers:

  • Manuel Rei, 3DS, France
  • Cédric Rolin, IMEC, Belgium
  • Marc Heude, Thales, France
  • Serge Kimbel, Weeecycling, France